Responsible Gaming

Casino Atlantic Agadir promotes a responsible attitude towards gambling, prohibiting access to those under 18 years of age and providing all the necessary measures and advice to ensure that gambling is fun and entertaining. Likewise, we work to generate a culture of prevention that raises awareness around possible gambling disorders. The ‘responsible player’ is one who participates in a leisure activity in a rational and sensible way, being aware of his individual circumstances. If it’s safe it’s our game. At CIRSA we are Responsible Gaming.


The game is a recreational activity subject to rules that corresponds to a vital impulse of living beings. Man and almost all animal species play simply for the fun it produces.

When the game includes a bet and there is both the possibility of winning and the risk of losing, we will talk about gambling. Most people find in this type of games fun and entertainment. But for some people the game of chance stops being a pleasant activity until it becomes anguish, anxiety, depression and isolation. These people are or may end up being players with problems.

The vast majority of players do not go beyond the barrier that separates play as fun and play as a necessity and for them it is still a possibility of choice, among all existing ones, to occupy their moments of leisure and social relationships .

The Ludopathy

Experts define it as a disorder consisting of the imperative need to play, even over own will not to play. The game becomes the central axis of his life.

It does not have a single triggering cause but it is a multifactorial problem in which there is a complex network of predisposing factors that constitute the essential nucleus of the disease. Generally the gambler uses the game as an escape route to problems, internalizing it as the most effective way to deal with them.

The Symptoms

You feel a frequent worry about playing or getting money to play, relive past experiences or planning the next adventure.

You often play more money or for longer than planned.

You need to increase the amount the frequency of bets to get the desired excitement.

You feel irritated or uneasy when you can not play or trie to interrupt or stop the game.

You continue to gamble despite your inability to pay off debts despite knowing that they can increase with the game.

You have made repeated efforts to reduce or stop the game without result.

You have tricked family members, therapists or other people to hide the degree of involvement in the game.

You have committed illegal acts, such as forgery, fraud, theft or abuse of trust to finance the game.

You dedicate to the game time in which you are expected to be fulfilling your professional or social obligations.

You have risked or lost significant interpersonal relationships, work and / or educational or professional opportunities due to gambling.

You use the game as a strategy to escape from problems or to alleviate feelings of hopelessness, guilt or anxiety.

In short, if you do not have fun playing, sometimes your anxiety occurs before, during or after playing. When you goe to play, you make the intention of not spending too much, but later, when you start to lose, you can not stop and you run out until the last coin. You live in another world, forget yourself and others may be affected by this disorder.